
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

news alert.

My last day in America involved running a dozen errands, frantically trying to cross everything off my to-do list. One of those errands involved finding inspiration for my daughter's one year birthday party. I went to Michaels.

And guess what?

I saw two full aisles of a new Martha Stewart line, called Martha Stewart Crafts. I was in heaven. An endless supply of things I don't really need, but love (and therefore, need). Gorgeous paper, cards, craft accessories, labels, gift boxes and bags, etc, etc. I'm not even crafty, but I just love pretty things.

Alan was even semi-excited.

I picked up invitation supplies and gift boxes (mini take-out cartons that I will be filling with party favors). We're going with a strawberry theme, because Izzy loves strawberries. Oh, and we're having a barbecue outside.

Martha is officially at Michaels on April 29th. Check it out and let me know what you think. I wanted it all.


  1. Sounds like the party will be really cute and spring/summery. Will it be at your place?

  2. "strawberry" is a fun theme. there is SO much you could do with that? share your ideas!

  3. If Alan was even excited than I think we need a post about the goods you found Lindsey. This was good to know...I had no idea.
