
Monday, April 23, 2007

national badger GIVEAWAY.

We've been in search for the perfect art that will allow our nurseries to transition into bedrooms for an older Cole, Avery or Isobel {or your child's name}. Finding simplicity with color, character and style was our objective, and frankly a challenge if we were working within our designated decorating the nursery budget. And then I found National Badger and quickly called my husband with exciting news along the lines of "It's amazing! And they even have an AARDVARK!"

Now, for the news that will encourage a similar reaction in you: Tangled and True is announcing our first life in the nest giveaway. Enter to win {see rules below} and this dreamy idea of perfect art may materialize into this--

{dinosaur and car are for scale reference only}

3 custom National Badger prints, including: 10" giraffe {green}, 7" hippo {blue}, and 5" elephant {orange}, an incredibly generous package valuing in at almost $70.00.

National Badger's story? Christine says, "National Badger was born following the birth of my son in 2004. I couldn’t find any affordable artwork for his room that matched the aesthetic of our home and I didn’t want to spend a fortune on artwork that he would outgrow in a few years. Trained as an artist and a designer, I decided to create my own."

National Badger is the solution for modern children's art. Truly. With a selection of over thirty animals and an extensive tropical Starburst-ish color palate, we are tempted to promise you that you'll go crazy in the best way.

Maybe you're a traditionalist and this

is the perfect fit.

Or you can't get enough of different and you want your son or daughter to learn words like:

aardvark, leopardess and bonobo.

If you don't see what you want or are overwhelmed by worries. Christine's an artist {and a nice one}. Email National Badger at and she is quick to offer suggestions of prints and colors that go well together or do her best to sketch up an absent favorite of yours {at no extra cost!}. A template for wall placement of the art is complimentary upon request.

The product does it's own convincing, right?! Join the force of charming, modern, and happy by entering to win {see rules below}. Or go to for a 15% discount on your entire purchase when ordered by the end of June {with mention that Tangle and True referred you}. Wow! Good luck.

Thank you, National Badger!

[Update: in order to apply the 15% Tangled and True discount, send orders to and Christine will take care of the discount and direct you from there.]

Thank you, National Badger!

[life in the nest giveaway rules:]

  • you must enter a comment on this post-with your name.
  • please only enter once.
  • entry will be open until 12pm Wednesday. {comments posted after 12pm will not be considered.}
  • at this time, we can't guarantee international shipping of giveaway prizes. {do you have a friend with a domestic address? is he/she nice enough to accept the package for you? comment away.}
  • winner will be announced on Tangled and True Wednesday evening.

-Tangled and True: life in the nest.


  1. Really cute! Jake, my ten month old shreiks when he sees cute animals. Might have to get them even if we don't win. But keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. Would to for some more animal stuff. Laney loves them.

  3. Hello Ladies! i am THRILLED that you are doing the giveaways! not only because i have a chance to win awesome items, but now i feel a bit more justified in spending time each day hopping on your blog! :)
    ps. yesterday we painted "the elephant" on Calebs wall. we got the idea from one of your earlier posts. this artwork would go great with it!

  4. Kelli, you are great! Such a "doer". You are totally motivating, I love it. and yes we do have a is

    Ali (old roommate)

  5. I am so glad that you chose these! I loved them from the first time you posted about their site! I love how they come in different sizes too! love it!

  6. everything about these is so cool - from the colors, to the shape, to the animals on the designs. i hope i win!

  7. What a wonderful concept. My boys LOVE animals and would enjoy seeing them in their room everyday.

    I love all of the wonderful ideas you are posting on this blog. I don't know how you find all of these sites but they are great! Thank you.

  8. Too cute! I know plenty of people who would just love to have these hanging in their kids rooms.

  9. I love the cute animals. Addy would love them too...her new favorite thing is to immitate animal sounds. So cute!

  10. thank you. i have this art in my favorites. if i don't win i get 15% off---i still win. yeah.

  11. i love the blog. great style. fun ideas. needed advice. mother to 10 month old Julia = i want the wall art.


  12. Bonobo, bonobo. What i wouldnt give to hear my little one form that word.

  13. Very cute, I am glad Sarah introduced them to me.

  14. Lindsey, I am friends with Tiffany Bird -- I think you guys were in classes together at BYU? Anyway, I have a one year old daughter so I love reading all that you guys share.


  15. Missy- you guys are so cute. I'm sure between the twins, at least one of them will love animals!

  16. very excited to come across a new blog with new ideas. These animals are darling. Stella thinks every animal is a bear still, so these would definitely do her some good!

  17. Creative, colorful and educational (what child doesn't need the word aardvark in his/her vocab?

    Count me in for the contest, and keep up the great blog!

    Sarah St.

  18. Yay for giveaways. Count me in!

  19. I have been on a total giraffe kick lately. It is meant to be.

  20. The boys room is already a jungle theme, so these would go perfect! This is my first visit to this blog, great job ladies :)

  21. Very cute, my one year sounds like a monkey every time she sees any animals.

  22. I'm excited to see who wins and am also excited about next week's giveaway too. Thanks.

  23. My Nephew would LOVE these, they are so cute. I am glad Bradley told me about this.

  24. I love those! And how fun, about the giveaways. I am a blog stalker, and I found this blog by going to Mandy's blog from Erich's blog. Don't be afraid, Mandy. I am not psycho, I just get bored late at night when the kids are in bed. Oh yeah, it would help to add I am Brad Harris' wife!

  25. I am sorry if you end up with two comments from me. The first one hasn't shown up yet. Those are so cute!!!

  26. These are amazing. My nephew would really flip for that hippo.

  27. The lottery hasn't been working for me so here goes nothing'. :)

    -Sarah J. Smylie

  28. My girls love animals, this would be great for all our friends.

  29. Thanks for such a fun site! Nice giveway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed:)

  30. How fun! Lindsey, I love your life! :)

  31. I like the expressions on the animals faces. They would make for really great conversational pieces.

  32. dylan will like these!!!

  33. I guess I will comment because if I win I can always save it for when I do have kids!

  34. Absolutely a delightful collection with simple taste...lots of potential! I can see the art would go well in a nursery with a warm yellow paint and cherry wood furniture!!
    Jonathan & Jeni

  35. so I am not technically a mommy (my 26 preschoolers can count though, right?), but seeing as how this post is on art, I feel inclined to comment. I love art and the fact that someone out there has used their talents to create such a unique product is inspiring. I like these alot, especially the non-traditional ones, my preschoolers wouldl ove these hanging in their science area. the green post, my favorite color!

  36. Oh my gosh, the other day there were no comments and now look at all the competition! If I dont win, I am still going to purchase these. So dang cute.

  37. so cute. would love to win them for Trent.

  38. Oh my, these would be perfect to complete our playroom amd my little boy's monkey bedroom.

  39. How cute, my Owen loves monkeys!!

  40. National Badger is wonderful! Thanks for the Giveaway Tangled and True.

  41. I LOVE these -- too cute! Thank you!

  42. Love the round shapes! We could use some art for the nursery. Jake would be thrilled to see these upon waking!

  43. Oh how beautiful! My boys love animals and these would look perfect in their room.Count me in!

  44. I think I would love to have some of these in MY room! If I'm the lucky winner, though, I think my animal crazy daughter will get a nice room makeover.

  45. Wow! My kids would LOVE these.

  46. Just the thing to perk up the rather plain walls of my twins' room!

  47. Perfect, three animals that my son recognizes and can say. They'd be perfect to finally decorate his bedroom.

  48. This would complete our son's room-

  49. This is just the thing I've been looking for! B and A will love it.

  50. I'm still decorating the nursery - this would be a great touch for our son.


  51. What gorgeous work! My daughter loves artwork in her room!

  52. I have a two year old and I am doing it all over again in Sept- both of my girls will probably love this

  53. So adorable. The kids would love these!

  54. Oh, I would LOVE to have some of this darling artwork for my little guy's room. Beautiful.

  55. What great animals!Thank you for the reference to their site. Please, plesae enter me in the drawing!

  56. so i am sort of obsessed with giraffes and birds right now and would love to put some up in my girls room!

  57. I'm so excited I won! I never win. This is great! Thank you. (Just trying to stay positive).

  58. These would look really great in our playroom in the making.

  59. My walls are bare and these are the cutest things to put there.

  60. Directed here from DesignMom and gee, am I glad! These are adorable for our apartment even if we don't have kids yet.

  61. My toes are literally curling with WANT.

  62. I don't have children, but I do have plans. Plans for children and a nursery. With animals in it.

  63. These are so cute! My son is just starting to recognize animals and these would be lovely in his room!

  64. I love those. What fun art and wonderful colors!


  65. So pretty! I'd love some of those.

  66. 76 comments- holy cow. I thought my chances would be better! But SO happy to have a chance at this cute artwork.

    Lillie Biesinger

  67. My daughter absolutely loves animals and wants to look at them at the zoo, her books and even the computer. I have to win this one for her room. We have just started to find animal themed stuff for her room. I would love to win this one for her.

    thanks and good luck to all the participants,

  68. What great art for my little boys' room!

  69. Really cute - and affordable too. Will have to order some if we don't win.

  70. These are great. Love the aardvark.

  71. Hey! I would love to win yr very first give-away! Good job getting the word out about your blog!

  72. I find these prints absolutely charming. Splendidly done; I can't help but see these little animals as if they had personalities.

    It appear as though the bear has just tasted the sweetest berry of summer. The ladybug is dancing across a blade of grass to escape the capture by a 6-year old. And if the elephant is not responding in glee to the 4-year-old zoo spectator who can't get enough of the grey mammal, she must be giddy at the prospect of an elephant treat.

    Lovely. Thanks Lindsey for introducing me to the forum!

  73. They are adorable! Thanks for sharing the link. I look forward to exploring your blog - Design Mom sent me over!

  74. good stuff! Count me in.

  75. Love the animals! Perfect for my boys' room!e

  76. So cute! This is a great giveaway. Thank you!

  77. Wow - I think I'm numner 91. Cute site.

  78. My twins love animals - pandas and all bears are especially wonderful!

  79. Fantastic! I love them!

  80. Delightful! These are wonderful. What a great idea.

  81. Erica just recently told me about your blog sight. You have some great stuff here! Interesting and informative. Thanks for all the hints and ideas.

  82. Cute, my little guy would love this!

  83. Love these! Pick me! Pick me!

  84. Beautifully done, just perfest for a room with an ark theme.

  85. my little little would love these! what a great give away! - florence

  86. So very cute! Love all the different animals!

  87. Absolutely ADORABLE. Must have!

  88. OMG Alla loves animals! What kid doesn't! These are amazing!

  89. holy cow! comment #107! this caught on fast. i hope i win these. just in time to redecorate my little boy's room before the addition of our little girl! very cute. & cute blog.. i love these things.

  90. Nice to find your blog.

    These are great! I'd love to hang them in my kid's room.

  91. These are some pretty terrific works of art. I am sure any child, young or old, would enjoy them. By the way, what a fun blog this is!!


  92. I like the momma that said the lottery wasn't working out for her so she'd try this! I guess I will too!

    They are really cute. Hope I win!
    Ann S

  93. Hope I win! There is a little animal lover in our house who would go bananas!

  94. Cute blog and cute giveaway!

  95. gorgeous, without being too cutesy. I hope I win!


  96. Have been a big fan for a couple years now! I had National Badger do two portraits--one of each of my dogs. We and all who see them love them! Now, we're on to our first baby and would love some animals for her to look at!

    Sarah and Jerome
