
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

flying tips

I'm still trying to find out the best method(s) for flying with a baby. We've flown a lot and luckily, Izzy has been pretty easy. Although, this last time proved more difficult. I'm thinking because of her age and that fact that she's wanting to walk and discover everything...and that equals frustration at mom and dad when she's not allowed to discover everything (like the sleeping man in 36C).

Here are a few tips from my experience of flying with a baby.

1. If it's a long flight, try to fly in the evening. I've found that my little one finds it easier to avoid naps rather than bedtime.
2. Try to book a non-stop flight. Your baby could be sleeping, or in the flying groove and having to switch planes could mean you start all over.
3. Buy an extra seat? I've never bought an extra seat for my baby, but it's probably very helpful. If you do, bring the carseat on board.
4. Give your self time in the boarding area. Before you get on the plane, let your baby crawl/walk in the boarding area. Let them use some energy. You also get to board first which is helpful.
5. Change your baby's diaper before boarding. They'll probably appreciate freshness before a long flight.
6. Breastfeed or bottlefeed your baby during during takeoff and landing. The sucking helps release ear pressure.
7. Request a bulkhead seat. The extra room is invaluable for mobile kids. In 11 planes, I have had bulkhead seat every time (even in business class). It works for us.
8. Dress your baby in comfortable clothes like these. That way they can play and sleep in them.
9. Pack an extra outfit for your child. You never know what could happen: explosions, major food spills, water spills, etc. Especially as a newborn, this is a must!
10. Pack enough food. Overpack if in doubt. And bring foods that are easy to open and prepare...and not too messy (if possible). Snacking foods to divert attention are always helpful too.
11. Get maximum use from each toy. Bring them out one by one. But don't bring too many. I've found that Izzy really isn't into her toys on the plane, because there are so many other things going on. On our last flight, I brought a book and a couple small toys.
12. Diapers and wipes: the quantity depends on how long your flight is, but the cabin crew will always have extra if you run out. I still pack extra diapers to be safe and I bring the refill, soft packet of wipes.
13. Bring a changing mat for the bathroom. It's a very hard surface and you never know exactly what's been on it. Oh, and diaper changes are tricky in there (just an fyi).
14. Sedatives. I've never used them, but some people do. If you do, probably shouldn't test them out for the first time on the plane. Kids are affected in different ways. My nephew gets hyper with Benadryl. Not nice to find that out on a plane.
15. Ask for help. If you're traveling alone and you need someone to hold your baby for a minute or two, don't be scared to ask. Look for the smiling grandma across the aisle.
16. Fluids. My doctor advised to make sure she had enough fluids. Babies get dehydrated with jetlag.
17. Dedicate a small carry-on to the baby. Try to organize feeding, diaper changing and toys into different sections within the bag. That way you aren't searching for the item(s) you need.

One more thing.

18. Don't stress if your baby has a meltdown. People are usually understanding and for the occasional person who isn't...well, they should be.

Feel free to add any tips you might have!


  1. Great, great, great post Lindsey. Thank you for all of these tips! I will certainly be using them come July when we go over to the East coast. Some things I never would have thought of.

    Thank you!

  2. Great post linsdsey! I have flown a lot with my two little ones as well. Your tips are right on! here are a couple extra:

    1. you mentioned nursing or bottle feeling for the acend and decend. If they are older, (one or up) and they aren't in the mood for a bottle, my kids get fruit snacks. they are chewy and with their jaw getting a workout, it keeps their ears happy. I usually try and wait to feed them a meal during this point, but sometimes it is just impossible. So, even if they are not hungry, they WILL eat fruit snacks. They don't get them at home, so it is a real treat. (other ideas are fruit roll ups or other chewy treats).

    2. Portable DVD player. I was a "no tv/movie" mom until I had two, and there became moments when good healthy entertainment meant sanity for me (and the rest of the plane). Obviously Izzy is only One, but by 18 months, having a little Baby einstein can keep her calm and happy (and still!). My Addie is EXTREMELY stubborn when it comes to sleeping on planes (She has been known to stay up till 3 am her time on an overseas flight once. It was a nightmare). So, the last cross country trip we borrowed a portable DVD player, and we will never go back.

    3. New Toys or activities. Stickers are my FAVORITE!! they keep their little fingers occupied for a long time, they have to focus, and it is really hard to lose the little peieces. They love to put them in sticker books, on their bodies, on tray in front of them, etc. Other good ones are The Magic coloring books that Crayola makes (they don't draw on anything else but the magic paper it comes with), Mr. Potato head, or those magnetic drawing board that comes with the attatched magnetic pen. It is always a hit, since you can't lose the pen and you can draw over and over and over again. KEY: toys that keep them focussed on a task without noisy parts or pieces that if lost will ruin the activity.

  3. these ARE great, Lindsey! we did two LONG flights before Cole was 3 months old (where it was more luck than preparation) and haven't flown since...for a good reason. maybe I'll find some courage after this. helpful for Missy, I'm sure. sounds like you're a pro now. benefit of living overseas as an American. :)

  4. Thanks for the reminders. Laney and I are going on 4 plane rides in the next week and a half. Hopefully these tips will help thing run smoothly!

  5. Im so nervous to fly with my little one. She just found her voice. I also have been keeping up on media stories of people asked to leave the plane for kids throwing tantrums, breastfeeding etc. and it has made me even more nervous. I would hope that most people would be very understanding and patient. Thanks for the tips. I know its only a matter of time before we have to fly. I hope I dont give myself an ulcer! Yeah, and Im all for the DVD player too...100% Oh, and some M&M's for an outburst emergency!

  6. O man the thought of flying with a baby terrifies me! Thanks for the tips, I am sure I will use them in the future ;-) (maybe when I being my first baby to London tee hee)
