
Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Do you ever ballroom dance with your little ones?

It's a hit at our place. I pick Isobel up, clasp our hands together, stick them straight out (you know, as ballroom partners do), and we glide around the living room. We do twirls and the dip and she LOVES it. Like hysterical laughter loves it.

Hmm...yes, being a mom involves some of the most random things!


  1. Tried it this morning Linds! She loved it. And we added a little point out the things in our house and she loved it even more.

  2. Our dancing has no structure. Just basic bouncing and twirling. Cole likes it too...but he usually responds with silence and an open mouth. The hysterical laughter comes when he's WATCHING me dance. I would laugh too...
