
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

to sleep or not to sleep.

Here we go again. Napping problems/question #312(?):

Cole has gotten to bed at the same time every night (7pm) for the last couple of weeks, wakes up at the same time every morning (8am) and has started to take these amazing morning naps: an average of 2 1/2 hours. Sometimes a bit shorter, sometimes even a bit longer. This seems great...not much of a dilemma until he's less tired for his afternoon nap (of course) and refuses it. I've tried laying him down for his afternoon nap at the same time I always have (1:30), I've tried a bit later (2:00-2:30), I've tried leaving him in his crib for the hour or hour and a half he would normally sleep (checking on him as much as I need to, of course) but to no avail. No afternoon naps. For 2 solid weeks now.

This can't be it, can it? He's definitely not ready for a one-nap-a-day schedule. He gets so grumpy come 3,4:00 when he's only taken one nap. And then evenings become stressful when I'm trying to manage a fussy baby [only wants to be held. period.], exhaustion, getting dinner ready, church youth group activities, and on and on...

I'm open for any experience/suggestions/magic solutions...


  1. I so know where you are! Ian is starting to do the same thing, and frankly, I am suprized it hasn't been sooner. Addie started going to one nap right around now. It's right aruond a year I think that it is natural for them to do that. I actually liked it, since i had more freedom to get out before and after naps. But, who knows! he could be going through a phase. you could always try and put him down a little later in the day, and see if he is happy with one nap. The biggest sign that they are ready, is if they are happy through the day with one nap. If he is acting fussy, and seem tired by the end of the day, maybe he is not ready. but if he is fine, that is a pretty good indication of transition! good luck!!! A fav book of mine has always been healthy sleep habits, happy child. it goes through the different sleep cycles of babies, and when they transition.

  2. he just turned a year on Jan 23. when is cole's b-day?

  3. March 19th. So, they are really close in age. I thought he was born in 2005. That's fun. You'll have to give me the "heads up" with things. :)

  4. Sarah?! Who are you? You have a boy around our babies ages too. Perfect to let us know 'what to expect' before it comes in the somewhere future.

    I have no advice Kelli. While Avery is still taking two naps, we still have the early wake up problem at our home.

  5. I'm so sorry I have no magic solutions. I can attest that when Izzy has a long morning nap (2hours+ that she is completely messed for her afternoon nap and then grumpy at 3/4ish. It hasn't been consistent though. If you do find the solution, feel free to pass it along...

  6. Sarah and I just "reconnected." She was a roommate when I was..19 (so, over 7 years ago. right, Sarah?) She is fun and beautiful and a good friend...and has 2 little babies.

    Perfect for Tangled and True, right?!

  7. So perfect for Tangled and True. Welcome Sarah! Where is your blog? Oh, maybe I'll try to click on your name.

  8. Kelli...I hope I am not intruding on your blog here! I really didn't mean to, I just totally relate to like everything you guys post! I didn't really even realize that it is just the three of you! I hope I am not intruding:/ But you guys have an AWESOME blog here! full of just Great stuff! I think that it is a GREAT idea, and I love hearing what you guys have to say. So, no, I am not someone off the street:) I fell in love with Kelli when we were roommates and she would recite her braveheart monologues (with scottish accent and kilt and everything) that she would perform while standing on a kitchen chair in our apartment! (AM I revealing too much?) No, I just love your passion for life Kelli! Lots of great times! It is fun now kelli, that we are in the same phase of life again!

  9. Sarah, keep posting! It isn't only "our" blog. The three of us are the authors BUT...the whole point is to find a community of mothers and bounce ideas off of eachother. So, STAY. And keep writing! And bring more friends over! We love it...

  10. Most definitley Sarah! Keep posting. I love when others comment about their own experiences. ESPECIALLY when it comes to naps...

    Kelli has never shared her Braveheart monologues with us either.

  11. Missy, next time you see Kelli, you must insist on a little Braveheart. She was memorizing the monologue one of the first times I met her. Man, would she make a good William Wallace.

  12. Sorry kelli...i let the cat out of the bag! :)

  13. Kelli! I'm wishing I knew you back in the BYU days to see you standing on the chair with a kilt on. That's fabulous!

    To answer the original posts question, I have the same book Sarah does and it IS helpful when it comes to sleep rythms and baby's biological clocks for sleep. I wonder if you tried pushing his ONE nap (if he really only wants one) a little later, say around noon after an early lunch and if he took a two hour plus nap, he would be ok in the evening. But, that would only work if he could make it until then w/o the morning nap.

    Sleeping in until 8 am?! That's crazy. I call sleeping in 6:30 these days.

  14. Sarah and Mandy, there are some things that I would rather forget. Those were fun times though. And I had a LOT of them during the times I lived with both of you. You both got the crazy, uninhibited, fearless...Kelli. I'm not sure if I could even remember the Braveheart speach, actually. Funny, funny. Anyway...

    Missy, my mom said that I was always an "early riser." Maybe Avery is just that. I cannot believe that I finally got a sleep-until-7:30/8am-baby. I know that I'm lucky!

  15. Sarah, was I living with you when I went to Honduras for the summer? Missy is the younger sister of a friend that I met there. He (the friend- Juice) connected us after I gave birth to Cole. Cole and Avery (Missy's daughter) are 2 weeks apart. And then, both Missy and I "found" Lindsey through friends, who also has a little girl (Isobel) who is a month younger, I think (Lindsey??). This is so much fun. I need the outlet, the ideas, the creativity. Don't we all?

  16. Missy, my one memory of you in the "BYU days" was right after you got engaged (I think) and I came to your apartment for some reason when you and Juice lived together. (I think to borrow Juice's national parks pass...for a solo trip to Zions. I did that a lot back then. Zions.) Anyway, you were sitting on the counter and I said "hello" and I think you thought that I was some girl who was trying to fall in love with your brother. You were nice..but it was quiet. And now..I need my Missy fix regularly. It's so amazing how things work out sometimes. Memories.

    OKAY...enough posts from me.

  17. What?! Kelli, I don't remember meeting you. I'm so sad. Maybe a vague recollection. I'm sorry that I wasn't as friendly so we could have become best friends from that moment on.

  18. Ok, I remember juice. All I remember is that he was way cool and adventurous, and he came back from his mission wanting to save the world. I think that he helped when CHad and I helped the ward do a big fundraiser for the church or something. so, missy! Great to meet you! this is really fun! It is a GREAT outlet for me too. Actually, both of my babies were having screaming fits, and so I ran away for 2 minutes just to count to ten, take a breath, and be normal again. Kelli, my Ian is a screamer too. So far, I don't have any brilliant ideas except that we are DESPERATELY trying to teach him signlanguage so that he doesn't have to scream all the time. Well, 2 min is up!

  19. Missy, you weren't unfriendly. Probably just on cloud 9 (if I have my story straight) and I was a stranger. Anyway, we'll meet. And I'm sure that we'll hit it off...and keep in touch for years to come. :)

  20. I'm glad you two found me too ! I just wished we lived closer so we could hang out - would be so much fun.

    Isobel is nearly 10 months - which I think makes her a month behind Avery and 2 months behind Cole.

    Welcome Sarah!
