
Thursday, March 29, 2007

it's a...girl.

This post is for Kathryn, who asked, "Quick question. My sister in law is having a baby soon, and I still haven't gotten her a gift. She has TONS of clothes, thanks to my sister, so they don't need anything at all in that department. Is there anything that you can think of that I can give her (maybe in the $50-$100 range) that might be useful?"

[Yes, I'm playing Design Mom, and yes-I'm in the middle of cleaning my house, and no- I haven't showered for the day yet...]

I love this stuff. This is a fun project for me, Kathryn. If I were to put together a gift that includes bits of all of my favorite things {that I have found in the last year}, it would look something like this:

*Use a Bumbo as your gift basket: $39.99 at Target.

I love that I discovered Bumbo and would have loved even more to get it as a gift. It's fun(ny) to see your 2/3 month old sit up on his/her own and is an added bonus that they are strengthening their back muscles while getting lumbar support and watching their world from an entirely new angle. We used it as a chair, a highchair and a shower seat. [And it does come in purple, pink, yellow, green, and lime green.]

*You can never get enough bundling/swaddling blankets...especially if they are mod like Babystyle's Cozy Stripes Velour Blanket for Girls on sale for a crazy $9.99!

(I also really love this one for $24.00.)

We bundled Cole for a good 6 months. This may be a bit extreme, but bundling equals comfortable newborn and we took any help we good get in the sleep department.

*Please add a quality {plush} toy like the Blabla Elephant Rattle for $16.00 at or

You cannot start your toy collection too soon and the Blabla products, with their whimsical color and imagination, are definitely runners in my race of favorites. How could they not be?

*Haba makes amazing all-wooden rattles. The Kringelring is a perfect start for only $6.99 at

You could add a bit of "girly" by substituting the Kringelring for the Triola ($11.99) or the Flori for $11.49.

I was so thrilled to get this {pictured} as a gift before Cole was born. So far, it's been perfect for a newborn grab toy, Cole's teething bouts, and will assuredly last through other children.

*To add a bit of {practical} luxury, include Kiehl's Gentle Cleansing Milk for $17.50 at

Every newborn needs a "sweet recipe" of gentle, all-natural and non-drying body wash that will pamper the very new and very sensitive newborn skin.

*Finally, a classic book like Goodnight Moon for $7.99 [found at Magic Beans] will complete the perfect gift.

I also love Little Miss Curious ($3.99) or Pat the Bunny for $9.99.

Story time equals the joy of parenting.

The Grand Total is just under $98.50. I hope this helps! Any other ideas and/or favorites?


  1. Those are great ideas Kelli. I would throw in a bath towel somewhere in there. A little hooded one. Pottery Barn Kids has some adorable ones while Target has some cheaper (still cute) ones as well.

    She could even theme the gift basket to cut the cost (if she was looking to). So she could go "all bath" or "all play" or "all foodie" too. I like the idea of the bumbo being a gift basket though. Good idea for sure. I think I'd get a Bumbo next time around.

  2. Great list, Kelli! Oh, what fun. I like the idea of a bumbo as the gift basket.

    Kathryn, you are in NYC, right? There is a new store in the city called
    Kid 0 in NY and it looks really cool. You can go to the website and search under age group for a variety of different things. I was looking in 1 year+ last night and saw some fun stuff. Check it out.

    A baby carrier was one of the best gifts I received. Baby Bjorn. I think $80 or so? There are also some other ones out there, but I can't tell you how critical the bjorn was for me!

    Books are always fabulous accessories to any gift too.

  3. oh the site is It's cool.

  4. I don't mean to comment a gazillon times, but Missy! We posted at the same time. :)

  5. I aagree...great stuff. kelli, when design mom is out, you should fill in:)

    here are a few additions:

    Swaddle blanket by swaddle designs. A MUST!!! there is even a cool little fabric tag that shows you have to swaddle the baby. This was a gift, and one of the best. In NYC, there are several stores that carry it, but try 'giggle' at

    or nordstroms on line at

    the blanket is thin and really well made, and really subtle colors.

    another thought...CD's. The best Lullaby CD I have ever come across is "Lullabies" by Northsound. It has classic songs all put done with guitar or piano with ocean sounds in the background. It's hard to describe w/o sounding cheesy. but This CD is our "get ready for bed" cd, and it has even been known to wind down grown adults. you can find it at and right now, you can't beat the price! It is definately a hidden treasure! I can't live without it!

  6. ok...I'm an idiot! I didn't click on Kelli's other link to the second swaddle blanket...I didn't even realize that the one i posted is the exact same one! (mine was the one that I linked to). SOrry! I guess it just goes to show how awesome those ultimate swaddle blankets are!

  7. You are all amazing! Thank you, thank you! Now I just have to decide what to get!! I wish my budget was limitless...

    Lindsey, Kid O is in the village in NYC. I will have to check in out on Saturday. Thanks for the tip- the website looks really cool.
