
Friday, March 30, 2007

Driving Miss Baby

So, up until last week, I haven't had a car. My husband (who is sometimes gone as much as 16 hours a day) needs it to get from work to his master's classes, and so for 2 years, we have been forced to walk or stay home. As of last week, I have been borrowing my late grandmother's car, and WOW! What a difference!!! It is great to go out on outings with the kids...but I am wondering: have any of you done any kind of car organizing? With two car seats in the back, there is space for a box, or somekind of tote like this or like the one above. Right now, when one of them drops a toy, or gets bored with one, I find myself driving with one arm stretched behind me a lot. Any ideas? These are the only two that I can find. But, I am thinking there is a better solution to keeping your car tidy and your kids entertained. What are your ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Izzy and I take public transport most of the time. But when take road trips in England something like this would be nice. I'm thinking the one attached to the seat would work best since the box may tip over and isn't locked into a place...does that make sense? I haven't seen any others...
