
Friday, February 23, 2007

Miss USA

Don't ask me why I'm into Celebrity Babies, but I am. I love to read this site, although I haven't had time in a long while. I was trying to catch up this morning during Avery's (suppos-ed) morning nap.

I'm sorry if you like the Apprentice, but I'm not a fan because of Donald Trump. He bugs. He annoys me and everything he says itches me the wrong way. From his way of saying that his daughter (with Marla Maples) is so beautiful even he would date her (were it not for the father/daughter relationshiop) to his "Trumps don't change diapers." Get real. Welcome to 2007 Donald. Get a life.

He bugs. Anyway, this made me annoyed this morning. He didn't want Nancy O'Dell to host the USA pageant because he "doesn't like how pregnant women look." Please.


  1. Lame - please. I usually like the apprentice (altho I never watch it because I'm in the UK, obviously), but those comments are just so annoying.

    Doesn't like how pregnant woman look?

    How does someone with hair like his feel he has the right to comment on another's appearance?

    Way to earn the wrath of women everywhere, donald.

  2. I don't like anything about him and I think the Apprentice is a really annoying show. I am not surprised he made this lame comment.
