
Monday, January 29, 2007


I'm eating the most tasty lunch today. I can't wait to get to it. And SO EASY and FRESH. Let me share:
Simply Lemonade
Fresh pineapple
and a delicious pasta salad: bowtie pasta, a container of cherry tomatoes, halved, a red pepper, 1/2 green pepper, can of black olives, feta cheese, and Brianna's French Vinaigrette.

Could it get any easier? (I'm sure you could substitute the pasta for whole wheat pasta and add some meat if you desired.) Gotta go...

note: I made the pasta salad last night for several days worth of lunches. Pre-slice the pineapple and you have a 1 minute meal.


  1. This confirms that we are long lost friends from birth.

    We love Brianna's salad dressing. All of them. From Poppy Seed to Strawberry Vinagrette.

    And I saw Simply Lemonade at the grocery store this morning, passed by it and didn't get it. Now, I'm mad at myself.

    Thanks for the food tips. Love 'em all.

  2. This sounds like the perfect lunch. Lemonade is my favorite. We don't have Simply Lemonade here (sad), but I love Marks and Spencer lemonade. Pineapple is my favorite fruit, EVER. And, I like Brianna's dressings too, but sadly they don't have all of the flavours at my local grocery stores. I do think they have the french dressing though.

    Wish I had lunch with you today! I'm a big pasta salad fan too, so I will basically be copying everything.
